Every Frame a Painting’s “What is Bayhem?” Video

If you have any interest at all then you have got to watch this eight minute video. Titled “What is Bayhem?”, film critic Tony discusses Michael Bay’s films and opens with:

“Because I don’t like his films, and yet I think it is crucial to study them. Why?”

This is a well-constructed and incredible overview of Michael Bay’s work and why it’s important to today’s film audiences. Discussing framing, movement, parallax, and how Bay has a wonderful sense of making things look epic, the video kept me entertained and I now know more than I did before clicking “play.”

If you watch only one video this week, and if you love film, then this is the video you must watch. And once you finish this then go to the Every Frame a Painting YouTube channel, because there are more fun videos about movies and you will want to watch them all.