Transforming Expectations Final Stages

My new book, Transforming Expectations, is entering the final stages of the process and will head off to print in about a week. 112-pages long, this hardcover sequel to Transforming Collections* has taken more time than I expected, but since a lot of that time was me shooting more pics and creating more pages than I needed I have no one to blame for the delays but myself.

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Visit Kickstarter!

I’ve had a few emails asking if I’ll be taking pre-orders on the new book for those who missed last year’s Kickstarter project. At this time I’m deciding on a “no” when it comes to pre-orders; I want to focus on getting the book completed and shipped to backers and not get distracted with adding more orders to ship.

There will be extra copies so books will be available to purchase. Later. For now I need to get the book finished and shipped to the project’s supporters. Watch for when the book is offered to everyone.