Spotted Online – Assault Gauntlet Batman is Pointless?

Personally, I think Kenner’s 1990s Legends of the Dark Knight action figure series ( search*) is pretty damn awesome. Sure the designs can get a bit hokey and silly, but that’s all part of the charm of the line. I should find more of these!

Anyway, during a recent search for something completely unrelated I ran across this io9 post from 2013 where the 1996 Assault Gauntlet Batman is listed as one of “ten of the most pointless action figures ever made.” What? No way!

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The post states:

There are lots of terrible Batman action figures out there — here are 10 more — but I remember this entire toy line being kind of useless and missing the point of Batman.

I disagree with everything stated here! Hell, I reviewed Assault Gauntlet Batman in 2013 and all seeing the io9 post does is make me wish I could take a month off from work and devote all of my energy to posting pics of these toys across the web. Take that, unfun people!

Seriously, I can admit that the Legends of the Dark Knight action figure series ( search*) is silly. BUT THEY ARE TOYS! Relax and have some fun with the kooky designs and over-muscled sculpts. This line is as nineties as it gets, people.

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