1986 Autoduel Review in Compute! Magazine

Locating that 1987 Autoduel ad a few days ago (posted here) made me start to look around for more magazines with info on the game. Not surprisingly, I quickly located a review in the October, 1986 issue of Computer! magazine. The Car Wars game (Amazon.com search*) video game adaptation of the eighties was excellent, and the reviewer clearly agreed:

Autoduel is more than a game — it’s a complete system of play. There is a wealth of additional features we don’t have room to cover, and the overall gameplay is excellent.”

See? There’s a reason I spent so many hours playing this game back in the eighties.

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4 thoughts on “1986 Autoduel Review in Compute! Magazine

  1. I really wish this game would come back, maybe with slightly better graphics and keyboard interface. I too played the heck out of this, though I don’t recall ever completing the overall storyline.

  2. That review brought back some good memories. It was always fun to build my own vehicle. In the game I always (when I had enough money) went for the pickup truck chassis with the best engine, suspension and tires, laser in front and sides and minedropper in the back with just enough space and weight left for cargo.

  3. Pingback: Roadwar 2000

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