“Chronicles of Riddick” in the Philippine Daily Inquirer

That unofficial Riddick action figure got my brain spinning, and I figured it may be fun to poke at Google’s newspaper archives and see what we can find. I personally believe that Vin Diesel’s Chronicles of Riddick* film was misunderstood when it was released in 2004. I think the change from the first film to the second was too great to easily swallow, but I found the King Conan + Warhammer 40K approach made for a fun movie.

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The above review, from the Philippine Daily Inquirer in 2004, mirrors the complaints I hear most often about the film. Yes, the action delves into the unbelievable realm at times and the effects are on of the film’s stars, but I think Diesel did just fine acting in his manner (the Kevin Costner “always be yourself” school), and even today I’ll happily watch Chronicles of Riddick* again. It’s a fun summer popcorn film!

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