Kenner Really Cared

Back in the early eighties I mailed Kenner a letter asking about replacing lost Star Wars action figure weapons and accessories. I never received a letter back, but the company did mail me a pack loaded with Star Wars weapons and accessories; I was shocked and excited at how the company put effort into sending me the care packaged.

Well, there happen to be examples of this sort of thing out there in the wild, even if some aren’t quite as favorable toward the company as my own experience was. Here’s a short bit from a 1978 newspaper where a kid wrote in and didn’t hear from Kenner until the newspaper reached out to the company. Happy ending!

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1 thought on “Kenner Really Cared

  1. Hahaha ‘Hans’ Solo.

    I recently emailed Playmates because I lost one of Raphael’s sai. Not that it was missing from the figure when I bought it or anything like that, I told them I lost it and that my Raph felt lopsided with only one sai. I was actually curious if they’d sell me a new pair. But they mailed me a set of sai for free, no questions asked. I didn’t even need to get Hans Solo involved!

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