Kenner Star Wars Action Figures and Mini-Rigs

Over four years ago I wrote about the Genius of Kenner’s “Star Wars Collection” Mini-Rigs, and I still believe that these little vehicle toys of the eighties were an incredible idea and a lot of fun. I continue to seek out info on the Mini-Rigs, and stumbling across this 1982 newspaper ad made my day just a little brighter. Looks like the Ben Franklin stores were packed with Mini-Rigs for Christmas that year.

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3 thoughts on “Kenner Star Wars Action Figures and Mini-Rigs

  1. Further down in that ad–were regular-sized Star Wars vehicles really that cheap? $16 would be a STEAL these days!

  2. I remember those. I once read that their design was to look as if it could have been in the films…but perhaps just out of camera view.

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