G.I. Joe: Sigma 6 Toys in the Wild

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I can tell that I’m having a lot of fun with a series of toys once I take some time to go outside and snap a few pics, and that’s exactly what I did last weekend with a couple of G.I. Joe: Sigma 6 action figures (Amazon.com search*). Click on through for shots of Zartan (review here) and Backblast (review here) in a field near my home.

These are by no means the greatest photos I have ever taken, but it was fun to spend about half an hour walking around with the toys and a camera.

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2 thoughts on “G.I. Joe: Sigma 6 Toys in the Wild

  1. very nice! this may be a stupid question, but have you seen any of monte williams’ pictures? he has a lot of sigma 6, real nice stuff.

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