Grenadier and Mayfair’s “Warbots” RPG in 1985
There were hundreds of different roleplaying games published back in the eighties, and despite my extensive knowledge of the games of the era I must admit that I had never even heard of Warbots until recently. This half-page ad promoting the Warbots roleplaying game appeared in the April, 1985, issue of Dragon magazine. An obscure roleplaying game with robots? Hells, yeah! This is exactly my sort of thing.
Unfortunately, some poking online reveals that the game was never produced. A post at reports that:
” . . . nobody got one as Warbots, the Game never got beyond the planning stage. Who knows why.”
Aw, that kinda blows. Especially after seeing the artwork in the thread. Grenadier did release two miniatures sets (I think it was only two), and the cover artwork for the two sets is awesome. Yes, I would have loved an entire roleplaying game designed around these retrotastic robot designs.

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