1993 Advertisement for the Star Wars: Dark Empire Sourcebook

Now here’s a piece of arrogant roleplaying game advertising from the nineties. Who is the publisher? What is the game? What does the sourcebook include? Every question that you may possibly have is completely ignored by this ad (from the back cover of an issue of Shadis magazine), as the publisher assumes that you know that this is an ad by West End Games for their Star Wars Roleplaying Game. You know what? They were right. I’m willing to bet that not a single person who saw this ad in 1993 was confused by it.

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1 thought on “1993 Advertisement for the Star Wars: Dark Empire Sourcebook

  1. “I’m willing to bet that not a single person who saw this ad in 1993 was confused by it.”

    Who saw the ad in ’93? It’s 2017 and I immediately knew what game it was for! Honestly the only thing I don’t know is why I didn’t have this back in the day.

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