Free Cap’n Crunch Retro T-Shirt

Cap’n Crunch fans, if you go to the grocery store now and buy four boxes of Cap’n Crunch then you can get a free t-shirt. I love this promotion because of the fine print on the front of the box:

Grown-Up Sizes Only!

That’s right, kids, these shirts are only for your parents. The Cap’n totally knows who buys the goods at the store and it looks like he has decided that it’s time to target the parents and not the kids.

And take a look at the “1980’s Flashback Puzzle” on the back of the box. Someone had better give the puzzle back to the eighties before the entire decade starts asking too many questions.

5 thoughts on “Free Cap’n Crunch Retro T-Shirt

  1. Thats pretty cool. Wonder how much it ties in to the Cap’n going away. Brilliant to market it to the parents who actually know who he is

  2. @Taylor – I agree that targeting parents was smart, but I’m still surprised that the shirts are only for adults. That seems like a weird marketing choice for a cereal.

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