Introducing the Transformers Monsterbots!!!

In 1987, Hasbro dug even deeper into the strange when they introduced Targetmasters and Headmasters to their Transformers toy line, but the weird didn’t stop there. Also in 1987 the Monsterbots (see the TFWiki) also joined toy shelves, and as this classic Transformers commercial demonstrates, Hasbro was still willing to sink serious resources into advertising the entire series.

The animated opening to the commercial is, as expected, fantastic, but watching this commercial makes me start to ask myself: When will one of the third party Transformers manufacturers take a shot at a toy “commercial” for their lines. These days I’m more willing to believe that a company like FansProject or TFC Toys will create original animation and a special commercial than I am that Hasbro would attempt something like this.

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