Gort and Klaatu Retro Action Figures Available Now

The Kenner-like Gort and Klaatu action figures are released, with the pack of two priced at $30 and available now from the Amok Time website. I first mentioned these toys in June, and as the Super7/Funko ReAction Figures (Amazon.com search*) dominate the retro toy buzz it is great to see others getting in on the fun.

Another year of this and we’ll have more modern Kenner-like toys than we do classic seventies and eighties original Kenner action figures.

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Visit Amok Time!

A robot and a man . . . hold your collection spellbound with new action figures from another planet.
An alien, KLAATU, stands 4in tall with interchangeable heads and 7 points of articulation.
His mighty robot, GORT a form of robot policemen, stands 5in tall with 5 points of articulation.
They bring an important message to your collection.