Blind-Bagged Marvel Mega Bloks

I’m out for a walk before work and stepped into Wal-Mart where I encountered blind-bagged Mega Bloks action figures that are Marvel characters. Looks like Mega caught on that Lego was doing awesome with blind mini-figs, because between these and the Halo bags Mega Bloks has jumped into the pool in a big way.

Each bag is $2.50, which is the same price they charge for the Halo blind-bags. I grabbed six bags; can’t wait to see who I got.

10 thoughts on “Blind-Bagged Marvel Mega Bloks

  1. I found them at two Wal-Marts but they were in extremely weird spots. One was over on their toy clearance aisle. Other was tucked away with the kiddie toys.

  2. I checked a couple of Walmarts with no luck. I asked in TRU but they didn’t know what I was talking about! Oh well…

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