4C System Roleplaying Game PDFs

A mention of the 4C System came up here at battlegrip.com a few weeks ago and I figured it was worth posting the PDFs for anyone who wants them. You see, this was created back in 2007 as a “retro clone” of the old Marvel Super Heroes roleplaying game of the eighties (see Wikipedia) and along with co-author Michael Hammes I assembled the rules adaptation and then handled all of the layout.

You can also find the rules in HTML posted at the Dorkland blog!
You can also find the rules in HTML posted at the Dorkland blog!

1 thought on “4C System Roleplaying Game PDFs

  1. I’m very interested in this sort of thing, but man I have too many rpgs and not enough time already 😀

    I was thinking the other day though that I really want to play a game that involves ninjas. Maybe combat. Okay, I’m thinking I want to play a G.I. Joe rpg.

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