iGear’s Unofficial Cosmos and Brawn Pics at Facebook

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It has been many months in coming, but it appears that unofficial Transformers Cosmos and Brawn — known as “UFO” and “Hench” — are on the way . . . later. They’ve posted new pics at Facebook (photos here) and the toys are, according to what I’m reading online, now scheduled to ship next month. Damn, I pre-ordered these so long ago it’s starting to feel like 3A is behind this operation.

Hopefully these are amazing and worth the wait. If they’re as good as the first two in the line — Rager (review here) and Spray (review here) — then I’m sure to be happy.

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5 thoughts on “iGear’s Unofficial Cosmos and Brawn Pics at Facebook

  1. I’d probably get Brawn for sure, but I’ve always been kinda “meh” about Cosmos…though he does look great.

    I’m more excited for the idea of Swerve, Pipes and Tailgate, seems they’re obviously working on Gears already.

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