“It’s Robotech to the Rescue!”

We saw one of Matchbox’s Robotech toy ads from 1986 a few days ago (posted here), and now it’s time to return to the eighties and comics with this ad for Robotech action figures and vehicles. The toy photos are so very tiny! Still, even at a small size I can’t deny that these toys look fantastic and I am now asking all of you: What’s the best resource to explore the Matchbox Robotech toys of the eighties? Is there a book, or am I stuck exploring websites if I want to see more of the line?

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1 thought on ““It’s Robotech to the Rescue!”

  1. Great piece right there Phil.

    I still remember when I was really young, getting that Veritech fighter and being upset that it didn’t transform, so we took it back lol.

    Hindsight is so 20/20, totally would to have loved to have it now.

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