Spotted Online – DisThunder Wishes for 6-Inch Scale G.I. Joe Action Figures

As unlikely as my own hope that Hasbro returns to the 8-inch scale G.I. Joe Sigma Six-style Adventure Team series happens to be (Adventure Team random wish posted here), there’s always someone with the ability for even bigger dreams. And that’s a great thing, because as soon as action figure fans — and, in this case, G.I. Joe fans — stop dreaming of things then we know the action figure market has finally cratered.

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Over at The Fwoosh, DisThunder has posted “Most Wanted – GI Joe Infinite Black Legends Legacy Classics”, his own dreams of a 6-inch scale G.I. Joe action figure series. This is pure collector love in action, but that is part of what makes it fun. I especially enjoyed the line:

“Everybody knows that if you write something on the Internet enough times it becomes a fact, so it behooves me to keep on a’writing, for the good of all!”

Now the only way that I see a series like this becoming a reality is if someone steps in and licenses the rights from Hasbro, but as with the Star Wars Black series I just cannot see a 6-inch G.I. Joe series succeeding. Just as Star Wars action figures need vehicles for longterm success, G.I. Joe is often as much about the vehicle toys as it is the action figures. And the chances of a 6-inch scale Skystriker happening? Well, that feels pretty unlikely.

But just because I don’t see this as likely or realistic an idea doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy reading through the post. And now I offer my own five figures for such a line . . . because if dreams are happening then I’m in.

  • Tomax and Xamot – It’s cheating, yes, but we can’t get one without the other. And if we look closely at the 1985 versions of the characters (Tomax at, Xamot at then we see there may be enough shared tooling for the twins to work. A box set!
  • Zartan – Duh. How could I not insist that Zartan be a part of a dream series of 6-inch scale G.I. Joe action figures?
  • B.A.T. – The modular parts of the original 1986 B.A.T. (see worked well, but at a larger scale those add-on weapons could be even more detailed and incredible.
  • Serpentor – Hey, if the G.I. Joe Sigma Six series missed out on a Serpentor action figure (see this custom Serpentor) then this new 6-inch series must have a Serpentor . . . and very early in the line!
  • Battle Armor Cobra Commander – Man do I love that original Battle Armor Cobra Commander design (see And the introduction of the armor way back in 1987 (G.I. Joe #59) is still a fun read . . . and thinking of that leads me to:

Yes, vehicles are a must. Just the figures I listed alone fail on the fun-o-meter if we don’t get rides for Zartan and Serpentor. And where would Battle Armor Cobra Commander be without his Pogo Battle Ball toy (see

It’s fun to dream, but there’s no way I can see this dream becoming a reality.

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1 thought on “Spotted Online – DisThunder Wishes for 6-Inch Scale G.I. Joe Action Figures

  1. “Just as Star Wars action figures need vehicles for longterm success, G.I. Joe is often as much about the vehicle toys as it is the action figures.”

    What about Sideshow’s 12 inch Joes?

    Anyway, I think something like this would have be handled very carefully and be a specialty store/website type situation for it to even work.

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